Thursday, October 8, 2009

A Silly or Sad Thing I said...You Decide

I just found myself at the end of a long day and had just emerged from today's 3 hour nap when I said this pathetic thing. It was later in the evening and I had already had dinner but I still needed a snack before bed. I poured myself some Kashi cereal, this kind I'd never tried with these crunchy and sweet clusters, and was just about to eat it when I noticed that the clusters were too big. It wasn't so much abowl of cereal but a collection of about 10 of these clusters. So I started stabbing at them with my spoon to break them up, which by the way, didn't work very well at all. It only took a few moments but I still found myself saying, "Whoa, I am worn out. My arm is so tired now" by the time I was done. In fact, I felt so weak and worn out that I had to give up on my mission to break up these clusters and just eat the cereal as is.

Yes, you read that correctly. My cereal wore me out today. Is that incredibly silly or incredibly sad? I can't tell. I'm leaning toward sad. This is possibly a new low for me. 

1 comment:

packphour said...

A bit sad, but it made me smile.