Sunday, October 5, 2008
Where I've been
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Warning: Stay away from Dr. William Robbins-Infectious Disease Specialist in Orlando
Friday, July 4, 2008
How the pain started
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Attempting to Stay Hydrated
Welcome to The Lyme Light. It is my intention to offer insight and support to fellow Late-Stage Lyme Disease, Dysautonomia and Chronic Illness sufferers. I hope to record, organize, and present all of my experiences in living with and treating these diseases. It's difficult to know where to begin. Should I start by defining Lyme Disease, its symptoms, stages, diagnosis, and treatment? Or, should I dive right in and tell my story starting with today? However I begin, I plan to cover these and many other topics.
I'd like to see this blog grow into a collection of angles that comprise a total picture of life with a chronic illness. I want to present current and accurate disease and treatment information. I want to record my experiences and treatment. I want to offer tips I've picked up along the way to make this process as easy and comfortable as possible. I want to present an honest account of chronic illness and how managing it has become my entire life.
I will not hold anything back. I intend to discuss every last hideous detail. As an intensely private person, this commitment may prove harder to keep than I'm anticipating. My daily journal posts will likely be redundant and depressing and agonizingly full of minutiae. I won't pretend for a moment that this blog is meant to be an entirely selfless resource for fellow sufferers. Far from it. This is as much a self-indulgent compulsion as it is any of the above mentioned.
What you won't find here is arbitrary hope or abbreviations. If I'm having a particularly bad day, I will discuss it and leave it at that. I will not punctuate my description with a positive statement about hope and keeping a positive attitude. The relationships between hope, expectations, and compliance will be the topic of many, many posts to come. I will not abbreviate the names of medications and infections. If I say that I took 100 mg of Doxycycline today, you will see the word 'doxycycline' not 'doxy'. If I discuss the common co-infection Babesia, you will see the word 'babesia' not 'babs'. This, I imagine, will be a cumbersome task. This may seem unimportant or unnecessary to you. I think it simply makes for better reading.